
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, ensuring transparency and authenticity is crucial for keeping trust among marketers, publishers, and consumers. The rise of programmatic advertising has brought new challenges, including the potential for fraudulent activities that can undermine the effectiveness and credibility of digital advertising campaigns. To address this problem, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) introduced the ads.txt (Authorized Digital Sellers) initiative. In this piece, we will delve into what ads.txt is, its importance, and how to generate it for your website.
What is ads.txt?

Ads.txt, or Authorized Digital Sellers, is an effort designed to combat ad fraud and improve transparency in the programmatic advertising ecosystem. It is a simple and effective method that publishers can adopt to declare which companies are authorized to sell their digital inventory. By doing so, ads.txt aims to prevent unauthorized or counterfeit inventory from being sold, thereby protecting advertisers from unknowingly buying fraudulent ad placements.

The idea behind ads.txt is relatively straightforward: publishers create a publicly accessible text file named “ads.txt” on their web servers, which lists the authorized digital advertising platforms and networks that are allowed to sell their inventory. Advertisers, in turn, can check this file to verify the legitimacy of the inventory they are buying and avoid falling victim to fraudulent schemes.

Why is ads.txt Important ?

Ads.txt serves as a powerful tool in the fight against ad fraud, benefitting all parties involved in the digital advertising ecosystem:

1. Advertisers: Ads.txt provides advertisers with a means to check the authenticity of the inventory they are buying. This verification helps them divide their budgets effectively, avoiding spending on illegitimate or counterfeit placements. This, in turn, enhances the general performance and return on investment (ROI) of their advertising campaigns.

2. Publishers: Publishers keep control over their inventory by clearly listing authorized sellers. This reduces the risk of their inventory being misrepresented by unauthorized sellers, thereby safeguarding their image and income streams.

3. Ad Networks and Exchanges: Ads.txt promotes accountability among ad networks and exchanges by requiring them to accurately describe the publishers they work with. This helps build trust and credibility within the business.

4. Consumers: Ultimately, ads.txt benefits consumers by encouraging a more transparent and reliable online advertising experience. Consumers are more likely to engage with ads that show on reputable websites, leading to a positive user experience.

Generating ads.txt for Your Website: Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve established the importance of ads.txt, let’s explore how to generate and apply it for your website:

Step 1: Identify Authorized Sellers

Before creating your ads.txt file, gather a list of authorized digital advertising platforms, networks, and exchanges that are permitted to sell your inventory. This list usually includes entities that you have direct partnerships or relationships with.

Step 2: Create the ads.txt File

1. File Format: The ads.txt file is a plain text file. You can make it using a basic text editor (e.g., Notepad on Windows, TextEdit on Mac) or a code editor if you’re comfortable with one.

2. File Location: The ads.txt file should be put at the root level of your website’s domain. For example, if your website is “,” the file should be available at “”

3. Formatting: Each line in the ads.txt file should represent an authorized seller and follow a particular format. The style includes four fields separated by commas:

phpCopy code

<Domain Name>, <Publisher ID>, <Seller Relationship>, <TAG ID>

• <Domain Name>: The domain name of the approved seller.

• <Publisher ID>: A unique identifier given to the publisher by the seller.

• <Seller link>: The type of link between the publisher and the seller (DIRECT or RESELLER).

• <TAG ID>: The Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG) ID of the advertising system, showing the platform’s legitimacy.

Here’s an example line:

Copy code, 12345, DIRECT, abcde12345

4. Repeat for Each Authorized Seller: Add a new line for each authorized seller, following the same style.

Step 3: Upload and Verify

Once you’ve made your ads.txt file, upload it to the root directory of your website’s domain using your preferred method (FTP, cPanel, etc.). After uploading, you can check its correctness by navigating to “” in your web browser. The file should be accessible and show the list of authorized sellers you’ve added.

Step 4: Update as Needed

As your partnerships with authorized sellers change, you may need to update your ads.txt file. Simply edit the file, add or remove authorized sellers as appropriate, and upload the updated version to your website’s domain.


In an era where digital advertising plays a pivotal role in reaching audiences and driving business growth, keeping integrity and trust within the advertising ecosystem is crucial. Ads.txt offers a relatively simple yet powerful solution to fight ad fraud and promote transparency. By generating and implementing your ads.txt file, you contribute to a safer and more reliable online advertising environment, benefitting advertisers, publishers, and consumers alike. Stay vigilant, regularly update your authorized sellers, and continue to support efforts that uphold the credibility of digital advertising.

YouTube Video Tutorial

For a visual walkthrough of the entire process, watch our complete YouTube tutorial:

By following these steps and referring to the YouTube video guide, you’ll be able to easily generate and apply an ads.txt file on your blog page. This small but impactful step will add to a more secure and transparent advertising environment for your website. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out in the comments part of the video. Happy ad managing!



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