What is the Purpose of a Blog

Purpose of write blog

Let’s go back to the basics. Why bloggers blog? What is their purpose? These questions will be very difficult to answer by the blogger.

You may have landed on this page to find out why blogging is common at the moment. In this post, I will briefly explain why people write down? What is the purpose?

This post will be helpful to you

  • You are an ordinary man interested in knowing the purpose of blogging
  • You are a blogger struggling to explain why you are effectively “blogging” to others

So why do people blog

       What are the purpose having a blog

To share their knowledge
Blogging is an excellent way to share your knowledge about a particular topic for a wide audience. You can blog about any topic that matters to the world. The main thing that determines the success of your blog is your passion.

If you are really passionate about a topic and are willing to write about it for a long time, your blog will be successful.
Initially, most enthusiastic bloggers dived into the blogosphere to share their knowledge and experience.

To learn and earn at the same time

The best thing about blogging is that if you consider blogging your profession, you may be a student in your life. How sweet was this?

You learn and share what you’ve learned and make money. Rinse and repeat.
Learn about something you care about, share it and make money. Blogging is not a business. it is fun.
It can be a career as well as a hobby. Blogging as a career is more fashionable these days.

You can earn huge bucks with your blog by,

        • Affiliate Marketing
        • CPC advertising
        • Sponsored Posts
        • review
        • Direct advertising
        • Create the product
        • A lot more

For some bloggers, money will become the main driving force. To be honest, without emotion, bloggers who chase money can’t afford it for long.

To promote the product  If you have a soft product, software or e-book, don’t you want people to buy it? The best and cheapest way to promote an online product is via blogging. You can educate your people about the product and then make it buy it.

Another benefit is that there is no limit to how interested your audience is online. There will be an audience interested in every type of product online.
All you have to do is write content about your topic, create product awareness and sell it to the right people.

Many bloggers also blog for a particular company as a part-time career. Their mission is to enhance the company’s presence in research and create brand awareness.

Building relationships

By blogging in a particular place, it’s easy to attract people or bloggers who are interested in the same topic you blog on.

By building these relationships  you can further enhance your blog, share your experience, and enhance your experience in this area.
This kind of relationship is like having friends with the same mentality as your faith. You can connect with them on social media. Chat with them.

With this, blogging will become a less lonely journey

Blogging as a side income

Most people who reach 9 to 5 jobs are dissatisfied with their income. Most of them blog as a leisure hobby, earning some dollars (for example, paying rent, bills, or travel expenses).
Blogging will be an alternative source of income for them.

For these people, their blog also serves as a backup for their main task, if anything goes wrong.

Create an online empire

Creating and developing online assets, such as authority websites, niche sites, and YouTube channels, is now of great importance.

Everything became online. With the increasing number of Internet users and the explosion of information consumption, the demand for more and more information has been created. Here

Comes the role of blogging.
Building a strong and reliable online presence and building an online kingdom is more profitable, taking into account aspects.
Creating brand awareness blog as well as personal brand awareness is also a trend nowadays.

For satisfaction

Blogging gives the satisfaction that you are doing something that includes the creative part of your mind. As you grow into a good hobby, it increases your satisfaction hormones that give you a sense of accomplishment. You can develop a good blog addiction.

Most enthusiastic bloggers have this good addiction. Having short-term and long-term goals in blogging, and by achieving them, you can turn blogging into a gamification system and feel motivated.

Blogging is more than just a hobby. You can learn, earn, express and help others through blogging. It’s a perfect example of a winning strategy. Blogging is the first step to establishing an online presence and building an online empire.
Blogs meet the growing demand for quality information online.

These are the reasons why people blog. Without any purpose, no one blogs.


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