Simple ways to find happiness

Simple ways to find happiness


17 Simple ways to find happiness

Happiness and emotional satisfaction are within your reach.

Happiness is a state of happiness. If you train your brain to stay in this state, it will remain that way. This is because your mind believes what you say. However, it is not as simple as it seems. You may experience happiness from time to time, however, it may take months or even years to make this state last.

Ways to attract happiness and make it last
According to some recent studies, some of the habits to attract happiness and make it last are the following:

1) Being with others that make you smile:  Studies show that we are happier when we are close to those who are also happy. Stay with those who are happy and let me infect you.

2) Hold on to your values: What you find true, what you know is fair, and what you believe are values. Over time, the more you honor them, the better you will feel about yourself and those you love.

3) Accept the good:  Look at your life and take stock of what is working, and do not reject something just because it is not perfect. When good things happen, even the smallest ones, let them in.
4) Imagine the best:  Don’t be afraid to look at what you really want and see yourself getting it. Many people avoid this process because they don’t want to be disappointed if things don’t work. The truth is that imagining getting what you want is a big part of achieving it.

5) Do the things you love:  You may not be able to skydive every day or take vacations every season, but as long as you can do the things you love from time to time, you will find greater happiness.

6) Expect Less: Studies show that happy people value satisfaction as their main motivation. If you are satisfied, you are probably happy. Working towards realistic goals will surely cultivate happiness, since it pursues what brings you joy. This principle is set forth in the book by author Loch Kelly Shift into Freedom: The Science and Practice of Open-Hearted Awareness: “The evidence shows that only 10 percent of our happiness is based on external success.” According to Killingsworth and Gilbert, only 4.6 The percentage of our happiness derives from the specific activity we are doing. “To be happy, recognize what you have and appreciate it.”

7) Find the purpose:  Those who believe they are contributing to the welfare of humanity tend to feel better about their lives. Most people want to be part of something bigger than them, simply because it is rewarding.

8) Listen to your heart: You are the only one who knows what fills you. Your family and friends may think you would be great at something that doesn’t really float your boat. It can be complicated to follow your happiness. Just be smart and keep your daily work for the moment.

9) Strive, not others: It is easy to feel that another person is responsible for compliance, but the reality is that it really is their responsibility. Once you realize that, you have the power to get where you want to go. Stop blaming others or the world, and you’ll find your answers much sooner.

10) Be open to change:  Even if you don’t feel well, change is the only thing you can count on. The change will occur, so make contingency plans and emotionally rely on the experience.

11) Enjoy the simple pleasures. Those who love you, treasured memories, silly jokes, warm days and starry nights: these are the bonds that bind and the gifts they keep giving.

12)  Enjoy your work: Happy people enjoy their work. They do not pursue it for money or fame, but for the satisfaction it gives them. Those trapped in an unrealized job that pays well, soon discover that it is not the way to happiness. While it is gratifying to be paid for your skills, money is only one aspect of job satisfaction. Find a job or career you enjoy. If you are not respected at work, find a satisfactory job that you enjoy; I assure you they exist.

Many people waste their best years making money for their families while putting their passion on hold. However, your happiness is also a priority.
The author Jonathan Fields states in How to live a good life: “What about the money? It matters But not in the way you might think. If you live in poverty and cannot cover your basic concepts, every dollar earned increases happiness and satisfaction with life. However, once your living expenses are comfortably covered, more money has little or no effect on happiness. ”

13)  Be happy: Instead of being super excited or depressed in different situations, you should practice to transform these activated feelings into deactivated feelings, such as calm and satisfaction. These feelings are healthier and also easier to maintain.

14) Live in the present: You must stop thinking about your past mistakes. We all make mistakes; nobody is perfect. Stop blaming yourself or feeling guilty for all the bad decisions you’ve made in life. Also stop worrying about your future. Live in the present moment. Do not let the good times go unnoticed.
15) Being thankful: Remember all your past moments and decisions that brought happiness and rejoice in them. Thank God for giving you such joyful moments.

16) Develop positive thoughts: Your thoughts build your reality. Positive thoughts and positive minds attract positive things from life and negative thoughts bring similar experiences. So, the only way to experience happiness is to feel good about everything you have.

17) Surround yourself with positive people: Stay away from people who engage in negative conversations or demotivate you. Surround yourself with positive minds.


It is easy to get carried away by negative thoughts and get into a state of anxiety and stress due to various things in life. However, you should always remind yourself of the good times and all the things you should be grateful for. This is a good way to change your mood from negative to positive

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